DPP: Daybreak

Mar 20, 2012 19:40

Today, March 20th, marks exactly three years since the airdate of Daybreak, Part 2, which ended both BSG and pilots canon story by leaving Shipper Nation in absolute ruin, devastation and disappointment.

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Comments 44

workerbee73 March 20 2012, 14:40:08 UTC
I was there. I lived it. O_o ( ... )


winegums March 20 2012, 17:27:09 UTC
o_0 indeed. Sometimes I go back into old sasa_hq threads and it almost breaks my heart how hopeful everyone was (or at least certain that we'd have a resolution one way or another, though one person had it spookily on the nose when they said - in 2008! - that Kara would probably vanish after her "task" was done).

I'm just so incredibly grateful to you guys for sticking around, though I can completely see how peeps might have wanted to be away from this mess afterwards. Even though I can live with many things about Daybreak and be ok with them (even the table), I wouldn't have recovered my joy in this show or these two amazing fictional people without a big metaphorical hug from fandom - and even with all that, I couldn't eat or sleep properly for about a week afterwards and still can't discuss pilots with non-shipper friends at all.

(but I won't lie, it made a HUGE difference knowing that I was not alone in how much this made me hurt - suffering alone = suffering more, in my case).


thrace_adama March 20 2012, 18:18:11 UTC
THIS. Most especially this: As for how I feel about the finale, I still think it's an absolute pile of crap written the night before it was due and thrown together in a haphazard way and touting some kind of "If no one understands it, then it must be deep" high school logic. It really failed on just about every storytelling level imaginable, whether you give a damn about shipping or not.

It's been three years since I saw the finale and I'm STILL angry. Glad to have the distance from it, though. Still: Thank god for all our fellow shippers (and all their fanwork!).


delle March 20 2012, 19:03:50 UTC
yup yup 3 yrs later and I'm *still* angry. I will never *not* be angry - we, as fans, deserved better, the actors deserved better, those two fictional characters that were connected since the VERY FIRST EPISODE deserved better.

I was a fan of La Femme Nikita, that ended nearly 10 years ago. I'm still angry about that one, too. I don't release my anger easily, apparently!


rayruz March 20 2012, 15:47:21 UTC
Wow. Three years? Really? That's how long I've been stupidly in love with this show? Wow ( ... )


winegums March 20 2012, 18:01:08 UTC
Hmmm, I know the character you're talking about, even though I'd long given up on the show by that point. And post-Daybreak, I couldn't process all my feelings and wrote a long and messy essay about what I thought, but I'm amazed and grateful to people like you who channelled the heartbreak into continuing involvement with fandom. (and OMG, Whedonverse/BSG crossovers? Why have I read so few of those?)


rayruz March 20 2012, 18:04:37 UTC
I... never gave up on Angel. I just... season 4 was a supernatural soap opera and season 5 was pure crack. :)

Have you read mine? I can't remember if you have or not.


winegums March 20 2012, 18:12:04 UTC
You are made of sterner stuff than me, then. I always liked the supporting characters on Angel more than I liked the man himself, and after she left I gave up (and Pete Campbell will always be Connor to me, now. Always. lol)

And I don't think I have read the Firefly crossover, there is no way I'd forget two of my favourite tv shows colliding :). I have read Did I Fall Asleep though, and gushed about it all over the place (though surprisingly, not at the actual comments - I promise to fix that situation as soon as I have a nice chunk of time to re-read it properly and love it all over again).


ddt73 March 20 2012, 16:35:38 UTC
Ugh, course I pick today to stop by and have to be reminded of this! It's been 3 years now. Times just flies by doesn't it ( ... )


winegums March 20 2012, 16:52:04 UTC
oh dear, I am sorry if it sets off bad feelings, that really wasn't the intention at all :(. And it's great to hear from peeps who were around back then, especially since so many seem to have fled the scene completely - not that I blame them at all, I would probably do the same if I'd been blindsided like that.

I don't know if an ending of a TV show could be considered a traumatic event, but the ending of BSG probably came as close it can for a lot of its fans.

This is so true. I've heard of people having rage over the finale of LOST, but nothing on tv or film can ever devastate me the way BSG did, ever again.


ddt73 March 20 2012, 17:05:40 UTC
It's okay, I didn't even realize that today was the 3 years anniversary and it surprised me it was 3 years already.

I made my peace with it long ago.

Some people I know had problems with the Lost finale. I actually liked it. It was all about the characters and they answered some of the bigger questions. That's all I wanted so I was happy. Maybe after BSG I had lower expectations so they were met? Who knows. lol


workerbee73 March 20 2012, 19:25:00 UTC
I liked Lost too. I think at that point I was like "Well, at least those folks got a freakin' happy ending..." **grumble grumble**


eternal_nomad1 March 20 2012, 18:13:49 UTC
I am with Dave (ddt73). I steeled myself for a bad outcome, but what they did with both the story of the show at large and the ship surpassed my worst expectations.

I dealt with it initially by commiserating with the shippers on the Skiffy shipper thread. Then eventually I just let go. I wasn't going to let it get to me. What finally wrapped things up for me was the excellent fanfic "Signal fire". That is my personal canon and I am sticking to it.


I still read things from fandom occasionally and keep up with the friends I've made, but I have moved on. All things pass.


winegums March 20 2012, 18:24:56 UTC
Thank you for the rec! I'm saving it for later, but anything that can unravel that ripoff ending is welcome.

It's only been a year for me, but I still can't let it go, and don't know if I ever will. Sometimes I wish I could get to that place, but I love this fandom too much - it's my favourite of all the ones I've ever been in, especially considering what canon threw at us.


eternal_nomad1 March 20 2012, 18:31:05 UTC
The writer wrote this as a way of getting over the ending and it works very well, imo.

I don't know if I would have gotten over this as quickly as I did if I didn't have the fandom friends to commiserate with. It really helped. Getting over it takes time, but for most people, I think life has a way of taking over.

But I don't think I'll ever enjoy a show as much as I did BSG. That ending was a huge breach of trust on a lot of levels and I don't think I'll ever completely trust a show again.


workerbee73 March 20 2012, 19:22:40 UTC
But I don't think I'll ever enjoy a show as much as I did BSG. That ending was a huge breach of trust on a lot of levels and I don't think I'll ever completely trust a show again.

Amen to this. And I think that's a common feeling amongst those who watched in real time. The investment level was so high and the emotions were so deep and then.... splat. As a result, I won't let myself get too involved in a show any more. Lesson learned. :/


apodixis March 20 2012, 18:33:43 UTC
Although I could have done without the poof (obviously! that's why I'm here and write/read fic with everyone here), I did really like the end of the show. I've gotten into so many arguments with family members over the end. Some are like: "Well they should've kept the ships! Why wouldn't they want to live out of them!? How are these people going to rough it on their own?" I get that part... but my counter is always: "If you were stuck in a cramped ship with horrible living conditions for over 4 years, never knowing if you were going to live or die, and witnessing the deaths of friends and family all around you--wouldn't you jump at the chance to live in nature on that beautiful planet?" No one ever really agrees with me... but I don't think the show should have ended any other way. They tried the "living with the fleet" thing on New Caprica and that sucked, hardcore. To end the show on a note like that would've just been a repeat and recycling of the NC plot. Might as well have ended at the end of season 2. Earth, and starting over ( ... )


winegums March 20 2012, 18:46:40 UTC
You know, I actually agree with a lot of what you said, - of course sunlight, fresh air and soil are probably going to seem entirely worth it to people who've spent years and years in metal boxes with no hope that they'll ever make it out. I can live with most of the finale, to be honest - when I first watched it Daybreak really did seem like a fittingly epic, emotional end to the show, and I'm another one of those who hangs on to Kara's "see you on the other side" in Maelstrom with a complete death grip because the poof CANNOT be the absolute end for both of them. Even canon implies it's not necessarily the end when she dies, and nothing can shake my belief in that ( ... )


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