DPP: Daybreak

Mar 20, 2012 19:40

Today, March 20th, marks exactly three years since the airdate of Daybreak, Part 2, which ended both BSG and pilots canon story by leaving Shipper Nation in absolute ruin, devastation and disappointment.

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ddt73 March 20 2012, 16:35:38 UTC
Ugh, course I pick today to stop by and have to be reminded of this! It's been 3 years now. Times just flies by doesn't it?

I was a fan all the way since the mini series. It was ugly in fandom. Lots of anger. I would say even those of else that steeled ourselves for the worst were angered by this.

For me personally it was that much worse, I wasn't just a huge fan of their ship, I was a fan of each them individually from the beginning When you can make a good argument that either one of your favorite characters had the worst ending of any characters on the show, it just doesn't get worse then that.

You deal with it by letting out the anger and hurt of being strung along, then you need to take a step back for awhile and clear your head. You move away from fandom and do other things for awhile. It may be a few days, a few weeks, a few months, hell even a year or more, but when you come back, if you were a person who likes fan fiction you can find solace in some well written stories that try their hand at wrapping up the story in a more satisfying way. Or maybe in your mind you come up with your own ending that you can live with.

I think it was all about coming to terms with the ending in your own way and your own time. If you couldn't come to terms with the ending, then your took solace in the friendships you formed along the way.

I don't know if an ending of a TV show could be considered a traumatic event, but the ending of BSG probably came as close it can for alot of its fans.

While this is not my favorite subject to talk about, perhaps it's good I came here today as a long time fan who lived through this. Perhaps shed a little insight on what it was like then.


winegums March 20 2012, 16:52:04 UTC
oh dear, I am sorry if it sets off bad feelings, that really wasn't the intention at all :(. And it's great to hear from peeps who were around back then, especially since so many seem to have fled the scene completely - not that I blame them at all, I would probably do the same if I'd been blindsided like that.

I don't know if an ending of a TV show could be considered a traumatic event, but the ending of BSG probably came as close it can for a lot of its fans.

This is so true. I've heard of people having rage over the finale of LOST, but nothing on tv or film can ever devastate me the way BSG did, ever again.


ddt73 March 20 2012, 17:05:40 UTC
It's okay, I didn't even realize that today was the 3 years anniversary and it surprised me it was 3 years already.

I made my peace with it long ago.

Some people I know had problems with the Lost finale. I actually liked it. It was all about the characters and they answered some of the bigger questions. That's all I wanted so I was happy. Maybe after BSG I had lower expectations so they were met? Who knows. lol


workerbee73 March 20 2012, 19:25:00 UTC
I liked Lost too. I think at that point I was like "Well, at least those folks got a freakin' happy ending..." **grumble grumble**


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