Kara/Lee fic recs: Scar

Feb 23, 2010 20:14

Thanks to taragel for her help with this week's recs! This list would have been MUCH shorter if it weren't for her, let's just say that. :) Thanks to the rest of the "collective brain trust" for piping in too. ;)

Wish You Were Here by wisteria_

Under the Shadow by daphnaea

We Bend, We Break by callmebombshell

Missing Things by leavingslowly

Annnd a little junk food for the shipper soul after all that dark fic:
Speak to Me in Kisses by Farringtongirl

The Alternative Scar by bsg_rp_apollo and wulfgrl71

So Much by raedances

This next fic is unfinished (I'm guessing forever) and thus something I wasn't sure I should list, but since RabidRaeann's "Nugget Slang" series is so entertaining, I figured I'd rec this one too for those who can handle the lack of resolution. Minotaur, Part I, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5 by rabid1st

Seriously, why is there not more Scar fic out there? I'd love to see someone fix this ep (*cough*Ray*cough*). And what about Sacrifice? If there were one ep I REALLY wish there were more for, it's that one. The *potential* there, people! Just sayin'.

fic recs, season 2

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