DPP Sunday! And on the 7th day, the Lords of Kobol rested.

Feb 19, 2012 02:16

It's the unfortunate end of the road for my time as DPP host and it's been wonderful! Just a big thank you to everyone who has participated in some of the discussions we've had going on this week. For today, I thought we'd take a break (...from all your worries), recap the week, and get one last easy question under our belts.

So you're given a time machine. It's the crappiest time machine in the universe because it will only take you back to one point in time and while you're there, the only thing you can change is one specific moment in Battlestar Galactica. No going to the future and snagging a sports Almanac for yourself, investing in Google, or figuring out who killed JFK. This is a serious, pilots-only time machine and you've got the choice: at what point in the show do you realistically have Kara and Lee shack up together, for good? Now, keep in mind if you have them hook up too lamely and early, maybe you'll risk getting BSG canceled, in which case you're opening up all sorts of paradoxes... But really, what I'm getting at is an age old (and probably exhausted--but give me a break, it's Sunday!) topic:

Frak the writers and RDM, when should Kara and Lee really have gotten together?

And for good measure, a recap of the week!
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