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useyourlove December 1 2011, 19:48:55 UTC
[I'm warning for generalized rants and slight off-topic ramblings. This show gives me FEELINGS. And not all of them are completely tied in to Kara and Lee. Also, I ranted so much I need to split this into two comments *headdesk* SORRYYYYY.]

*is petted* I never pass up an opportunity to rant about this finale. Sometimes television finales are great. Sometimes they suck. Sometimes they don't exist. If they do exist they all have their flaws (I'm thinking of the obvious in-universe liberties taken in BtVS, but those work because they're part of a deliberate metaphor and further serve to strengthen the overarching theme of the show itself). But this? There is not one single bit of this that's logical. The only bits I like are sending Galactica off in a blaze of glory (although the battle itself is extremely "WTF"--I'm not even going to go there right now since that's fairly off topic for this comm) and the fact that Gaius Baltar gets to give his giant eloquent speech in CIC. I love Gaius most when he's a skeezbag and a sleezball and I missed his eloquent ass-saving speeches. Gaius' "religion" is so so humanistic and empowering at some points and then it's like a different writer gets a hold of it and it turns back into "THIS IS AN OBVIOUS STAND-IN FOR CHRISTIANITY." I just want to mash the keyboard in rage at this ending.

What amuses me the most is how ok with it I was to begin with. What also amuses me is how I would forgive the finale everything--every innanity and nonsensical non sequitur--if it gave me even a smidgen of closure with Kara, and Kara and Lee. YOUR ENTIRE FOUR SEASONS OF TUMULTUOUS RELATIONSHIP LEADS UP TO THAT? I also tend to hate this episode because of how many ship wars it gets me into. "Oh, she loved Sam more. See." WTF. a.) she always gets hung up on dead guys, and only after they're inaccessible does she become committed to them. Why? Because they can't in any way hurt her that way. Girl has serious commitment issues. b.) the first time she tells Sam that she loves him is like twenty minutes before the end of the entire series. c.) THIS IS ONE EPISODE. Your five minutes of genuine affection in one episode does not negate my hours upon hours of complicated, subtle, screwed-up rightness. d.) [then my impulse to choke people through the internet kicks in and I lose all other rational thought]. I don't understand how anybody can say she loves Sam more than Lee after UB (although this is, yet again, a completely off topic discussion that I should steer away from BUT I CAN'T). I continually suspect that this has to do with Sam being their favorite character. Kara is way way too complex to boil down to nothing but her romantic relationships which is something I think most K/L shippers are good at not doing (then again it's our ship that has the most complexity inherent in it, so we see more of Kara--even through a romantic lens--than most).


useyourlove December 1 2011, 19:49:07 UTC
And yes. Your ending is way better. I don't understand what purpose it serves to have them not be together except that the writers and producers apparently took absurd levels of glee in never allowing them to be together. It doesn't actually make sense to deny them their ending in this case. It's just like they got to that point while writing and were like "wait, this is looking too happy. MAKE HER DISAPPEAR." I do love how Lee makes a move in the actual ending like he's going to hold her close and never let her go and she does this little hitch backstep like "if you touch me I won't leave and I know I have to so please don't." Then again, the finale sends so many mixed messages about everything that I guess the message could also be "don't touch me, I don't love you." Though that contradicts everything else we've seen for four seasons a mini series and a movie. In fact, hey, everything else about Daybreak does too.

I'm coming to be of the opinion that they made the ending so terrible just so we'd still be talking about it now. And so we'd still be writing fic about it now. It was like the finale was for the network and the casual fans to say "ok, here's a moderate amount of closure. This is the best we could come up with. If you don't like it, go write your own." Which we all vehemently do. Every time I finish this show the only thing I want to do is start it over and relive the amazing (because, honestly, I'm on my third rewatch and every time I finish I start again within three days.) And I drag all of my friends into watching it as well. I feel a little bad about that though, because I feel like the show misrepresents itself in the context of the finale. I'm like "WATCH THIS WITH ME IT'S AMAZING." And then they watch it, and agree, and we love it for as long as it takes us to finish. And then at the end I just feel bereft. I always feel like I've betrayed my friends' trust by making them watch something so good and then the ending being that. It makes me feel like a bad person. I do not like that my favorite show makes me honestly feel like a bad person. Because Season One: Politics and Hyper-Realism... in Space! ("yay!") Season Two: More Politics and Hyper-Realism... in Space! ("yay!") Season Three: Soap Opera... in Space! ("ilu guys so much that I don't care--GIVE ME MOAR.") Season Four: Crazy Religious Mysticism... IN SPACE!!! (".............wtf???") (And can I just say how bitter I was to find out that Earth 1.0 wasn't our Earth? I loved the thought that we had had a technological singularity that lead to nuclear destruction of the humanity. What a dark and dire warning to send! It was brilliant and fit in with the tone of the show perfectly. But then, we get our crappy sappy lame-ass second (or third or fourth or fifth??) chance to make it all work out? I mean, I'd say up through 4.0 is serious quality. Up through Gaeta's mutiny is serious serious quality. After that it gets iffy.)


word_vomity December 1 2011, 20:48:05 UTC
I do love how Lee makes a move in the actual ending like he's going to hold her close and never let her go and she does this little hitch backstep like "if you touch me I won't leave and I know I have to so please don't"

Oh God! That is my favorite moment of that scene. His face! Her face! SO MANY FEELINGS! Mabye the writers should have just left out all dialogue and let Jamie and Katee just sell the shit outta it. Haha.

I always feel like I've betrayed my friends' trust by making them watch something so good and then the ending being that. It makes me feel like a bad person. I do not like that my favorite show makes me honestly feel like a bad person.

THAT to me is HILARIOUS! Because basically anytime you try to convert anyone to the BSG koolaid, you're pretty much saying, "Hey, come spend 4 season getting your heart torn apart and your soul shredded! It's awesome!" Lol, and it IS awesome, but also, wrenching. I must admit, no one I've converted has turned into a Kara/Lee shipper yet *cries forever* so I don't feel SO bad about shepherding them into the doomed fold.

Basically, if you still feel ragey, feel ragey. It's OK. It speaks to the level of your love for them.


useyourlove December 1 2011, 21:41:00 UTC
The person I'm currently converting is apparently an Adama/Roslin shipper--and we're on episode five (I don't even know). I also had to explain to her what shipping even was. But she has made comments to the effect of "oh, they are so hot for each other" and "tell me they get it on in the next episode" in regards to Kara and Lee. I'm working on her (it possibly helps that I cannot contain my levels of squee.) Why I want her to feel this pain, I'm not entirely sure. BUT SHE MUST. (Also I won't feel quite as stupid crying so much if she's as invested in it too. Lol.)


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