The Perfect Unfinished Mix

Sep 29, 2011 11:51

Put your gloves on, today's discussion is about Unfinished Business.

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Comments 91

Atmosphere sugarhaven September 29 2011, 10:03:23 UTC
We'll start with a few general questions.
Did you like the raw atmosphere of UBEX or did you prefer the more poetic aired version with lots of images and little time for dialogue?


Originial version for me, bb!!! workerbee73 September 29 2011, 16:33:45 UTC
I may be in the minority here, but I am ALL ORIGINAL VERSION, ALL THE TIME. Everything in UBEX feels bloated to me. And clumsy. The dialogue. The emotion. Way too much of both. And the characterization feels way off. Kara is a raging bitch and there are moments when she's taunting Lee that I actually just cringe (and not even in a "Oh honey no" way but more of a "Could the writing have been any more hamfisted?" way.)

And Lee with the all "I just realized I have a crush on you, omg!" Aww no, bb. Don't buy that for a minute. And there's just too much talking. Pilots don't talk. They do. If they actually talked about shit, they'd have worked out all their issues in about 5 minutes. But baby don't work that way. And I love them all the more for it. ((In fact, this really goes to one of the reasons I love them so much as a fictional couple-- they screw it up, they dance around each other, they're not perfect. They miss opposruntities, they don't get ever afters, they share moments. They can't have a lifetime but they are ( ... )


Re: Originial version for me, bb!!! sugarhaven September 29 2011, 16:41:21 UTC
I'm actually with you on this one. Although, I wish that some of the UBEX scenes were in the aired version, overall I prefer the atmosphere and the editing of UB. It's really beautiful and I love the timing and placing of the flashbacks in the "present day time". It says much more than the dialogues ever could.


Re: Originial version for me, bb!!! workerbee73 September 29 2011, 16:46:09 UTC
You know, in a way, UBEX reads a lot like fanfic. It kind of fills in all those little relationship details that we shippers crave, but I'm ultimately not satisfied with how it does it. I'd much prefer the space to be negative and to fill in all those gaps myself.


Story sugarhaven September 29 2011, 10:04:57 UTC
Do you feel like UB and UBEX are telling two different stories? If so, which one do you prefer?


Re: Story embolalia September 29 2011, 12:41:29 UTC
I remember feeling this way at the time. I first watched on Netflix, without the extended episodes, and after UB it wasn't all that clear to me (without the applecart conversation, without Lee calming Kara's insecurities) that Kara really wanted this to be happening. I mean, she was into the sex, but she looked so conflicted at every other moment that I wasn't sure how to read it, and didn't entirely blame her for the ending.

UBEX felt like a different story entirely--it was clear from their first kiss that she was inviting this, and the way she smiles against his shoulder after he comforts her was perfect.

Also, because I didn't see it posted in the list yet, the Starbuck-Tigh scene is one of my favorite things ever :)


Re: Story sugarhaven September 29 2011, 21:41:05 UTC
I kind of like this part of UBEX as well. I don't think that UB makes it look like it was a drunken one night stand for Kara. Even if we ignore all we knew about their history and connection up to that point, we got the catwalk flashback, the flashbacks when she's punching Hot Dog, her desire to fight Lee, her marriage to Sam and the look on her face when she meets Lee in the morning. UBEX is definitely clearer on this and I too don't like how in UB they edited the scenes from the field making Kara looked confused and "not into it" rather than insecure and vulnerable.

I prefer that in UB Lee is done with Kara (or at least wants to be) and completely ignores her. She has to pull all the dirtiest tricks she know to even get him to talk to her, while in UBEX he is as much determined as she is to have the score settled between them.


Flashbacks sugarhaven September 29 2011, 10:08:42 UTC
Long uninterrupted flashbacks (UBEX) or going back and forth all the time (UB)?


Conjugal visit sugarhaven September 29 2011, 10:18:26 UTC

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Re: Conjugal visit apollosspear September 29 2011, 14:01:16 UTC
That pic makes me sick. But if I cut jocksmock out of it it is incredibly hot.

That kinda sums up my feelings about this scene and the entire episode of UB and UBEX. it makes me sick to my stomach (either version) that she is with that worthless character (yes I am still bitter, yes I am full of vitriol for Anders, yes I still hate rdm's guts)in anyway, and then it gets worse as the ep progresses an we see what happened. It feels like I am having my skin flayed off watching Kara be so incredibly stupid and evil by utterly destroying any happiness with Lee after they had what made my heart soar that finally FINALLY they got there shit together and just let their love happen.

Did I go to far?


Re: Conjugal visit word_vomity September 29 2011, 17:32:55 UTC
I am not a Sam hater by any means, but I just don't find him sexy. Sweet and kind and good-hearted yes, but not hot. I know, right? It's weird. It might be something to do with the way his mouth looks when he kisses, idk. (FYI, I have the same problem in any movie where Adam Sandler kisses ANYONE!)

I liked hearing what they said here, but I coulda skipped the sex. And for the record folks, that will probably be the ONLY time I will ever utter those words. :P


Kara on the catwalk sugarhaven September 29 2011, 10:29:23 UTC
Kara remembers waking up in Lee's arms on New Caprica (UB only). Vid here

... )


Re: Kara on the catwalk ddt73 September 30 2011, 19:43:53 UTC
I love the shot of Kara looking down at Lee in the ring and smiling down at him, before she snaps herself out of it and puts her walls back up.


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