Truth or Dare?

Sep 28, 2011 12:05

Today the pilots are playing "Truth or Dare?" game. They just need a little bit of our help to get started.

Settings: Pre-mini (between Daybreak flashbacks and Zak’s accident). It is late night and Lee and Kara are stuck in a room together sharing a bottle (or two) of Ambrosia. They are both feeling uncharacteristically chatty and adventurous so Kara suggests to play "Truth or Dare". I wrote a short background story that explained how did Kara and Lee end up alone without Zak but I decided that it's better to leave it mysterious.

Players: Starbuck and Apollo

1. Pick a player (Lee or Kara) and ask a question or challenge a dare. Label your comment as “Kara Dares Lee” or “Lee Asks Kara” etc. for better clarity.

2. Let someone else answer your question or respond to your dare (impersonating the other player in the process).

3. Do (1) as many times as you want. You do not have to stick to the same player and you do not have to wait for a response to the previous challenge

General rules: 
1. Stay in canon (it shouldn’t be difficult since we barely know anything about the pre-mini period) but use your own imagination and crazy head!canon ideas about the pilots and their background. Everything’s fine as long as you don’t go completely AU.

2. Your questions/answers and dares/responses could be as short as a sentence (Lee: “What’s your favourtie colour?” Kara: “Green”) or as long as a drabble or a short fic (additional banter or background information are always welcomed).

3. Only one response per each truth/dare challenge

fic prompts, pilots games, dpp, daily pilots post, games

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