Widening Our Horizons

Sep 27, 2011 12:36

Today, we're going to do a fic/vid/picture exchange. I know that most of you are pretty up to date with all the Kara/Lee goodness that can be found around the internet so I decided to do something slightly different. I think that a typical Kara/Lee shipper only looks at fics and videos labeled Kara/Lee or Starbuck/Apollo and rarely ventures beyond. Are we missing something? Are there some hidden pilot gems that most of us haven't discovered because we do not read Bill/Laura or Kara/Sam fics or look at BSG general videos?

Your task today is to share fics, chapters, drabbles, videos, manips, comments, interviews etc. that are at first glance not focused on our beloved pilots but have some wonderful Kara/Lee moments hidden inside.

These are my two favourite BSG general tribute videos. The Kara/Lee relationship is in both cases beautifully portrayed.

image Click to view

Author: narvinek, Source: youtube.com

image Click to view

Author: Hayter861, Source: youtube

I also want to thank everybody for contributing to yesterday's discussion. Feel free to still chip in. There's still a lot of character's POV that we haven't discussed.

fic, fic recs, vid recs, dpp, vid rec, daily pilots post

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