Oct 04, 2008 17:58
Its funny how much homecoming at MSU makes me miss Athens. While the activities board wouldn't let you know it, the college homecoming seems like a lot less of a big deal than in high school. Honestly if it wasn't for the little UAB centerpieces in all the cafs, i'd have no idea it was homecoming weekend here. There are very few things about high school i miss, but the tightness of the whole school is definitely one of them. Back then, it was easy to recognize every teacher and (almost) every student around the school. There were tons of posters for homecoming, and every club had some special event planned. The homecoming football game was a huge deal, and the dance was even bigger. i loved how excited it made everybody; finding dates, making dinner reservations, counting down the days. None of that here. Im sure you're thinking "duh, colleges are bigger than high schools, this is unavoidable" and i guess thats obvious, but i still miss it.
Last night we (kurt, bill, his sisters, and i) went to Walkers for some BP and fun. The group grew as joey green and some of mary's friends joined. Walker and i had an epic 8 - 0 run that i will probably never repeat and never shut up about. We were finally beaten by some of mary's friends, and i proceeded to lose 3 more games as Bill's partner. O well. I also bonged a beer which was a first (yeah laugh it up...) The night was fun until somebody tackled somebody else resulting in a broken chair.
MSU beat Iowa for our homecoming game 16-13. I watched most of the game from my dorm on account of being way to hungover and sick to wanna stand in the stands. haha i'm a pussy; no need to point out the obvious. i felt bad about missing the game, but the extra sleep was much needed. i feel great now (minus this cold which i've decided is most likely and ear infection).
Speaking of which, i really didn't want to write about my cold, but its starting to piss me off. its going on 4 weeks now, and its gotten worse since last week. I'm pretty sure its an ear infection because i have all the same symptoms jp had last week. My throat is constantly swollen and sore, im hacking up all bits of shit, and my ear has been plugged for like 3 or 4 days now. its lame
well thats about it. i could update on school stuff but i dont really care enough. haha g00d student.