Jul 14, 2007 14:56
So its been ages since i had a real update. Sorry about that guys.
Summer has been pretty sweet. not gonna lie. i got that job (about 3 weeks ago now) and i gotta say i dont hate it. Its 8-4 mon-fri which is about the best i could have hoped for. I finally worked a full week this week (started late the first week, then 4th of july week) and i had 37.5 hours. That'll be a fat check. the best part about work is that im always able to do stuff at night. I feel sorry for you night shift people. Though i dont like 8am very much in the summer, it's a necessary evil. i think this sunday was the first night i didn't so something this summer. And that was fine cause i just chilled and caught up on sleep.
MSU should be interesting. I didn't meet anybody at orientation. (hung out with kurt and joel. probably a mistake. no offense guys) And their enrollment lab thing was so rushed. I basically just picked the first section i saw because the dude was rushing me. As a result my schedule kinda sucks. I have classes everyday, and usually at least 3. LAME. One 8:30 too. LAMER. the final straw of suckage was that i couldn't get into accounting 101 (for business cognate) because some Econ class is a prerequisite, but my AP scores (5 and 4 on mac/mic) would pass me out of it, but my advisor said she couldn't give me an over-ride until State got all my AP scores into the system. She said wait until move in week to work it out. LAMEST! And as a filler class (so my schedule actually has 12+ credits) i have 'entomology 205' down. which is pointless and just a place holder for now. Yah its fucked.
I've been thinking alot about college recently, as you can tell. How long is 6 weeks? Everybody seems to be super anxious; like we're leaving tomorrow, but i still think theres aof lot time left to enjoy. Idk maybe its my procrastination habits diluting my perception. I hope not, cause things are really starting to look up for the rest of the summer.