Mummy's idea of heaven is a big buffet where you never get full and you never get fat!

Dec 29, 2006 23:51

I was hoping it wouldn't happen but it has....NYE PARTY INVITE FAUX PAS! (Seriously, I love saying Faux Pas, it's awesome french thing... like creme broulee!)

So there's Robbie right, gay guy from Garden city that I suppose I have a friendship with inbetween him getting drunk, coming online and saying "Why don't you want me to fuck you?" and him comforting me after I quit the jewsagency...and he read my myspace bulletin about my NYE party (obviously my first mistake, you never want EVERY person on your myspace friends list to come to a party you're throwing because let's face it, we all add people to keep our numbers up..we just wanna seem like we're loved.) and he was all like "OMG IM LYK SO COMINGZ!!!!1" then he was slightly reluctant, playing hard to get, a game that no one but he was really playing considering I wasn't going to go out of my way to invite a 23 year old queen who wants to spend new years eve with people 5 years younger than him that he barely knows, and he said "yea...I might know, if I find the time... *does that thing where they find something on their fingernails and blows it off*" but now...oh no... he's gotten to... I'M GOING TO JUST ASSUME IT'S OKAY FOR ME TO COME AND BRING ALL MY FRIENDS THAT YOU BARELY KNOW AND YOU OBVIOUSLY WON'T HAVE A SINGLE PROBLEM WITH IT KTHXBAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111one1!!!

I just got back from watching Earthsea (horrible, HORRIBLE, adapataion of Ursula LeGuin's Earthsea quartet, GEB IS FUCKING BLACK DAMN IT, NOT SHAUN ASHMORE!!!) and I come online and Robbie's screen name on msn is, and I quote, "EVERYONE! you must come to my friends new years eve party with me! It'll be hot! :)". I find two faults with that screen name.

1. He didn't tell me he was going to bring people, if you're going to come at least have courtesy to tell me that you are so I can create a lie so you don't.

2. it won't be "hot" Robbie, you're going to be SO much older than everyone else, everyone else will find you creepy and pathetic and the only action you're going to get is when you find some hapless teen passed out who isn't me *touch wood* and then rape them.

Now I know it's my fault that I posted a myspace bulletin and I know I've said that i'm letting Vidya and Andrew handle the invites but I want to draw a fucking line in the sand right here *line drawn*. Dude, all the other people that are coming are my close friends and their close friends, you're not even the first and I hope to GOD you're not the second so what the hell are you going coming to a party at my house? Don't you have other friends that you can hang out with? And if you do what would they think if you said "Yea, isaac's this 18 year old guy I met in a chat room and talked to like...4 times in real life...we're so BFF!" I really hope they're nothing like you and are logical enough to say to themselves "Hold on a second, i think this Robbie guy is gatecrashing a party that he isn't really wanted at, let's jump this ship and go over to mexico while this blows over."

So I basically don't know what to do now...I suppose I can't exactly stop him from coming, but I can be very rude and curt to him at my party and hope he leaves I suppose... because if that bitch wants to crash at my house then he can

*rant and vent over*


Edit: Conversation I just had with Robbie

Me: I hope you're not referring to MY party in your screen name?
Robbie: No.................................................... *changes screen name*

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