Freo the fabulous place that's open on public holidays.

Apr 17, 2006 18:16

I found it necessary to give you another update from AFTER we went to Freo, it's only fair.

So we go to Freo and THANK THE LORD it wasn't just like... was OPEN. Buskers on market street and all that, yea..I never should have doubted the word of Louise... she knows things. So we get there and then we decide to have lunch, we dined at the fabulously fancy La Porchetta where we had to wait 30 FUCKING MINUTES FOR OUR FOOD. Three tables that came after us got their food before we did...I was so angered by it all. For once i actually enjoyed my food, the lasagna was hawt but alas, Louise didn't enjoy her Seafood risotto aka Rice with shredded seafood entrails... we didn't eat so much of what we ordered... it's punishment to the place for not giving us our bloody food...that and we have to maintain our weight somehow. But we had alot of fun complaining and being right bitches... then we went to TIMEZONE!!!!

Yay! Timezone! Since time began timezone has been like...absolute fun for me, i LOVE arcade games, having a PS2 at home is one thing but playing DDR with two blonde emo pricks behind you is something entirely...I must say i ruled at DDR...on the beginner setting.. *blush* But i PWNED cartoon heroes...then i tried it on Light setting pwned me.. alas, i should stick to what i know. louise kicked my arse Guilty Gear X with her weird lesbian Pirate character May...while i was this weird...demented devil/angel girl.. i think her name was like..Dizzy? iono, needless to say.. PWNED. Point Blank was probably the game we enjoyed ourselves most at, it really is the best game ever,just the randomness of it all, like saving Dr. Don from missles...why are you on a missle testing area Dr Don? WHY?!

Louise and I wanted to get our photo taken in one of those booths that asian girls seem to flock to.. But these three slaggy whores were in there for like 10 minutes! SERIOUSLY GIRLS, you're probably cam difficult is it to figure out how to use a photo booth? We also went on this simulator thing which was basically just a vibrating chair in front of a not worth it... Apparently a small crowd gathered behind us as we were going like "Oh no! we're going to go down a computer animated slope! AHHH!" But they all dispersed when we got off...alas, i wanted to bow at them.

I had the BEST time today, anyone who's ever like.... not in a good mood, just go to Timezone, seriously.. good for the soul..and DDR is a good workout
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