
Apr 17, 2006 10:53

Today the lovely Louise and I are traversing to fremantle, on a public holiday, with the strong belief that timezone will be open.... I really hope our strong belief is justified because I got a serious hankering for some video gaming, maybe even a bit of Time Crisis? Some DDR perhaps? Or even... STREET FIGHTER VS. X-MEN! Possibly one of the most psychotically colourful and over the top fighting games in all existance..

Last night Louise and I were discussing some of our favourite video games and SHOCK HORROR! We both love World of Illusion on the megadrive, it's seriously the cutest and bestest game in the world... Though I did REALLY hate having to walk on the spider webs in the first level.. But i loved the game. I want to introduce Louise to Quackshot and i told her about Emulators and Roms and such..if anyone knows what they are and then W00T! I found a orm that has quackshot and world of illusion TOGETHER..it's like a sign from jesus or something...truley it was an easter miracle.

I'm in two minds about my haircut. I like it personally, i think it makes me look kind of elfish...a little impish.. Robin Goodfellow thy name is Isaac and such...but my big brother keeps telling me i look like one of the beatles WHICH I SO DO NOT... my big brother looks like he's wearing a toupee, who is he to judge me? But he still makes me very self concious.. Ah well, i'll shave all his hair off while he sleeps, that should make me feel better.

On Saturday night I went to an 18th in Murdoch, it was a guy from canning college so it was just me and my friends Fran, Gerri and Brendan representing the Canning crew..the rest were from Applecross... *gag* but they were all cool, I did a have a bit to drink, but i wasn't like Sasanga, the birthday boy, who finished the night sitting in his own vomit.. Way to binge drink during your birthday speech... way. to. binge...
This really quiet guy called Krushan came as well, oh he's from canning to..but he does NOT represent us in any way, shape or form. I finally figured out why he's so weird... HE SMOKES WEED. He asked me if he could borrow my lighter and i asked why and he wouldn't tell me, so i said i'd go with him and then i basically taught him to smoke the bong he brought...fool.. Luckily i had most of it since i knew what i was doing and he was coughing and spluttering... Yes Louise, i'm bad and a druggy and i shall burn in hell for all eternity.. but yes... I had fun! Me and Fran sitting on the pool deck looking at the stars, her drunk and I stoned, we talked about our stretch marks (i do have them, where, you'll never know) and all this shit.. Ah good times, it was a very good party and Sasanga had the BEST curry, i loved it, i ate two plates which probably wasn't too good for my breath... alas, who CARES?!

Okay, time filling entry over and out.
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