Fandom sucks and I want no part in it.

Jun 19, 2006 10:00

I don't trust angua9's research. Period.

But I believe this. Simply because her research corroborates with some other independent info that she had actually no access to when she researched this. And it is a case of Occam's Razor.

Maybe there is a hugely complicated explanation, but really, to quote somebody else: "If there is a credible defense of msscribe's actions, the only person who will suffer for it not being disclosed is her."

I know Journalfen is full of liars and cheats and I have not much sympathy for people digging up three-year old corpses, but this is not about them vs. us, about shipping, about fandom, but about who you are and what you stand for.

I know there are people who will say "I am a good friend and that's why I won't read this and believe this." I don't know if that makes them gullible or if I am not to do the same.

But in the end, I have to stand up for what I believe in. What I know now. What I stand for.

I don't stand for this kind of behaviour. And I never will.

I am in no position to apologize for these actions, neither on behalf of any sites nor any ships, but if I ever chimed in on the hate for any of these bogus reasons I offer my sincerest apologies.

hp fandom sucks!

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