L'enfer c'est les autres.

May 17, 2006 10:00

Me and HP fandom have totally grown apart, and maybe, just maybe I've grown up.

Now saying you've grown up is not necessarily growing up, but I think I did realise something.

Arguing on the internet is DUMB.

*insert special olympics joke here*

Now if "arguing on the internet" were Special Olympics I would have been a favourite in the marathon discipline. And I used to be proud of that.

I am still proud of that, actually. In the same way, I imagine Van Gogh was proud of his cut-off ear - an act so lunatic that it might just have resembled genius. But really was just lunacy.

I learned something in the madhouse though:

A - trying to change people's minds or trying to get them to being open to new ideas: stupid.

B - arguing to change their minds: really stupid.

C - Passive-aggressive or just aggressive attitude: waste of energy.

I don't know where that does leave my fannish activities. Probably nowhere good. I think Satre was wrong to make his punchline so short. Hell isn't other people. Hell is being one of the other people.

personal, fandom

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