Do any of you have a preference over the lemon rinse versus the ACV rinse? I had first used the ACV but I didn't like the greasy feel, and also I was using the recommended dosage and rinsing very well, I could still smell it in my hair occasionally when it was dry (my hair's short so very easy to rinse). I bought some lemon juice (in the big
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My hair seems nice & shiny, but my hair, like many others' complaints, isn't as soft as I'm used to. I realize that it won't be as soft using no poo, but I'd like to try for soft without greasy
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Do you think it matters if I use that squeezable lemon juice from the produce section instead of fresh juice from an actual fruit? You know what I'm talking about - the little squeezy lemon container?
I have naturally oily roots & am trying no-poo for the first time. I usually wash my hair every night, is that over-washing? When using shampoo & conditioner, if I don't wash every day my hair gets too greasy, causing me to break out.
Right now, I'm just using the baking soda solution & ACV rinse.