Over 6 weeks water only

Nov 08, 2012 02:20

Originally posted by longhairjourney at 11/07/2012
Last water only wash of the 6 weeks period. I'm past 6 weeks even already. 
While at weeks 4 1/2 - 5 I did notice a difference of switching to better, greasiness disappeared and it became less sticky and less stringy, I did not see any getting better after that.
My hair does not look dirty nor greasy and I'm sure no one would tell I haven't been shampooing. It does not itch either or anything like that.
The only thing is that when touching, it still often feels like if I had been using hairspray on it, not even all the time though, depends how long after brushing or washing, but sometimes it's kinda sticky and it's not so easy to pass my hand through my hair.
And it does not look bad in the whole but it does not look so good either. It's just like hanging there. Sometimes I really feel like I can't wait to wash it with something more than water at last.
So I don't think I'll continue with total water only, but I'm not thinking of using shampoo either. I'll try alternating between different other things and wo.
I did not notice my hair get thicker but it might require more time to be able to notice that, like a year or so I guess.
I also feel like I'm losing a lot of it when I wash but it might be because since it's more sticky, less of it falls down in between washes and just stays stuck there and really falls only when washing and untangling so there's more then, I guess, and I only wash every 3 days.
Also I did make 2 little exceptions, when I was meeting people and felt too bad about looking gross. At week 3 I rinsed with a little vinegar and at week 4 I did a clay mask, but I don't think it could have interfered with the adjustment period. Do you?

water only

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