Hi all! Never posted here before but I've been reading for advice throughout my no 'poo experiment, and I thought I'd share something lovely I just found. It's not exactly using nothing, but I figured this would be fair game since using Dr. Bronner's soap etc. has been discussed.
I started no 'poo a few months ago because I've had back acne for over a decade and FINALLY suspected that maybe I was having a reaction to chemicals in my shampoo and conditioner. I started with the standard BS/ACV and was really pleased with the results. However, I was visiting my parents the first time I did it. As soon as I returned home, where I have harder water, things went downhill fast. I went through a lot of the suggested alternate washes on here, but everything I tried left a sticky buildup in my hair.
Earlier this week I stumbled upon
Chagrin Valley Soaps, and they make a whole slew of totally natural and inexpensive shampoo bars (their website sucks... but they deliver reliably). They're really just natural soaps with herbs and essential oils and a bunch of other stuff depending on the flavor, but they don't leave my hair dry and sticky like soap did when I tried it. I ordered a few different samples and used one for the first time today (the mud and clay one), followed by an ACV rinse. My hair is PERFECT, better than when I was using shampoo and conditioner, despite my hard water. It feels light and soft and clean for the first time in months. I blew it dry and didn't end up with frizz either. My hair is medium-long, and I have a lot of it!
It was only my first time using this soap, so I can't say whether or not you can wean off of it altogether like you can with the BS/ACV method, but personally I don't mind having to wash my hair once or twice a week, or buying a reasonably priced, totally natural product that supports a small business. Hope some people find this helpful!