Mar 24, 2011 13:46
I apologize if something that could help me is in the memories. I live in Maine and. Have soft well water. I have been no poo for six months. In a couple of weeks I will be flying to New Orleans for a few days. I normally wash my hair with bs/acv (diluted in a rosemary tisane) followed by coconut oil on the ends. I do this every week or two- whenever I have the time and can't stand it any more. If I wash it two days before I leave (working 16 hours the day before I leave) I will be travelling on days 3-6. So I shouldn't need to wash my hair, but it's significantly hotter and more humid there and I may want to. I am trying to only bring carry on luggage so I am not bringing my usual 'shampoo' bottles. Should I (a) not plan on washing my hair, (b) find a shop and buy bs& acv, (c) use the hotel provided shampoo, or (d) hope the hotel provides conditioner and do a co wash if my hair gets yucky. Or (e) do a water only wash if my hair needs something. My hair is just shy of waist length and I always wear it up.
Sorry it's not tagged- I couldn't see what I needed so if anyone sees something appropriate feel free to lend a hand.