Apr 17, 2007 00:35
Sorry to post this right after someone else posted something similar, but they are different enough to warrant a new post.
My hair is DEAD. In short, I had healthy dreadlocks. Then I went nuts. I bleached my hair twice if not three times within a week period, dyed them red with vegetable dye, it faded, I dyed them black...twice. Yes, I killed my hair. I combed out my dreads because having so many chemicals on my hair totally defeated the purpose of them anyways. I swear I live a natural lifestyle, I honestly don't know what inspired me to do this crazy thing.
Anyways, I have always used "natural" shampoo but upon realizing natural really just gets you to buy it I decided to try no-poo. When I wash with baking soda and ACV my hair is so dry it's gross to touch. It like sticks to everything it's so dry and damaged. That said, it also gets extremely oily. Yeah it's screwed.
I want my healthy hair and dreads back. :(
My main purpose of this post is about hot oil treatments. Right now I have a hot oil treatment on that I made myself using sesame oil (so I smell like the general tsos I make with tempeh....) and rosemary oil. How should I wash this out? Or should I just leave it and let it absorb as much as it can? Would washing with no-poo work with a hot oil treatment or should I use pure castile soap to get it out?
I'm sorry but my hair is just stressing me out. I can't believe I got myself into this mess.
color treated hair,
damaged hair