Nov 01, 2004 13:03
Yeah yeah, I haven't been on lately, sorry....i guess. Meh.
Okay but I will go on about what I feel has taken most of my life up and pissed me off to a great degree....and I don't get upset much at all. Shameful to say it's all about work. But here goes...
So as you know my boss is the man of empty threats and even emptier promises....that and he steals from cripples. Although personally I don't find him to be a horrible man, i do find him to be a horrible manager, he just does do it well. And i'm getting tired of fixing his screw-ups. (Like when he ordered all our Christmas stock the day before the flyer ended, so I had to go though each and every item to push up the order date and place orders for items he never ordered at all.)
As much as he pisses me off i was surviving it. But then last week right after inventory* he sends an e-mail out to each and ever other store in the city looking for people to do my job, he even asked what I did (fuck shoudln't you know??!) so that he could word it properly. See this got me upset....I haven't quit or mentioned I wanted a different job, and until I say so you do not fill in my job without telling me. He does say that he has "something" for me. Something??!? Yeah as much as I pleaded for what that "something" was he would not tell me. Told me that I would get angry if I knew and it wasn't happening. Huh? You are hiring people for my job well enough...but you don't know if i can have this new one? Thoughout the week I was well pissed off....I like my job well enough and I know I'm good at it. So call centre for G&T also made a posting, looking for people. I applied for it, why the hell not, I may be out of a job anyhow. I didn't tell my boss about this.
So on Friday morning the night after sending in for the other job he finally tells me what this job he want me to do is...and tells me I have only the weekend to decide (you took several weeks telling me and I have two days?) not nice. The job is what i expected actully....being like a call centre for the stores accounts only...while Kelly our accounts rep tried and finds more accounts. Honestly even though I applied for a call centre I know phone jobs aren't what I'm best at, and I wouldn't really like to do it in store really. But now for the kicker, my boss offers me an extra dollar per hour I work and more realible hours (please note it is because of him I am no longer full-time), then again he is the master of empty promises...I believe this is about the seventh raise offered to me.....but the call centre from what I hear will pay a good four dollars more an hour.
I know I've been too comfortable in the store, working there for over three years now. And i'm good at it, I enjoy it, it will actully be sad to leave, well it if weren't for my boss. And one great thing is that about half of the staff wishes to centre or now. We already had one girl who was hired after I get a job there, a useless guy we wished to leave anyways find a job closer to his house. I who am the most useful person there nearly wants to go, J who lets the store walk on his back and does anything and everything for them will get out when I do. Susuan one of the keyholders wants out and has applied for our competition, Greg the other p/t keyholder will leave if the rest of the staff goes. Both Nadia and Chritina who have worked in G&T long before the rest of us want out just as bad. This leaves two kids leave Dave and Luke...neither of who can do anything more then work the floor and the cash, and anyhow can't work more then 12 hours a week. The full-timers are all stuck and will not get out...but not like there are many of them anyhow. I want to see his guy screwed over for Christmas season really.
My boss wasn't all too happy when he learned I had applied for another job...I never told him (ha it can go both ways now). Now wish me luck I have an interview at the call centre in two hours time. Thanks for letting me rant.
*Mind you last week I managed to work 3pm-3:30am for inventory come it for J who hurt his back earlier for 9:30am, then stay though to 9:30pm because my boss doesn't think better to change the hours of a kid who keeps telling him that he has night school that night. Then work the next morning again for 8 hours then again for another 12 for similar reason all together though the week for a total of 65 hours....without even a "thank you" for doing it. Infact all he is doing is cutting my hours this week so that in a two week period i won't work more then 88hours and therefore doesn't have to pay me overtime.