I have come to the conclusion that should a fire start in the dining hall, there is no hope for any of the girls who are in Ponce Hall. Flagler, in their stroke of geniusness that it is, has connected the fire alarm system of the dining hall (which is located on the lobby floor of Ponce Hall, the girl's dormitory) only to Kenan Hall's fire alarm system. Now I know that part of the kitchen connects to Kenan Hall, but what about us in Ponce!?!?
My dorm has a 7 minute burn rate, basically the building will burn up in 7 minutes. So should a fire break out, there is no way you can get everyone out of the halls and out of the rotunda (the common areas) out in 7 minutes without a fire alarm going off.
Nice to know that should a fire break out in this place we are all screwed.
the_suit_case wants it known that she is amazing.... so
the_suit_case IS AMAZING!!!
(note: I'm pretty sure that should in the event of an actual fire occurring in the dining hall, an alarm would sound, but i find it comical that one did not sound in the hall when one sounded in the dining hall)