In response to the current business decision of LiveJournal, Inc., to remove any new creation of basic accounts, I decided to investigate the relation of features against advertising. As the features we have available to us on LJ - scrapbook, voice posts, etc. - seem to be what requires more investment, I have contemplated what the backlash would be in removing features or downgrading them somewhat so that there wouldn't be such a large need for money (thus advertising) to support these items.
Since I don't have any insight to how much of LJ's money goes toward the features as opposed to the servers for blogging, paying staff, and the more "normal" parts of LiveJournal, I'm just curious to see what people think of features and how they relate to advertisement. I know this is probably a biased community to be posting this to, but I am really interested to see responses wider than that of just my friends list.
Also - my apologies if my syntax doesn't make sense. I'm really brain-addled from being sick today.
So. Go have a look and vote, if you have the time? Thank you for induldging my ad-related curiousity.