The Real Red Headed Stepchild of Six Apart

Aug 07, 2007 16:15

After the recent power outage, there were a lot of insinuations that LiveJournal was the red headed step child of Six Apart because it came up a whole 15 minutes after Vox, never mind that Vox is magnitudes smaller than LJ. This assertion is patently false. Rojo is the red headed step child of Six Apart, the one locked in the basement. Nobody complaining about how they felt LJ was oh so neglected even mentioned how Rojo was faring.

Rojo was acquired by 6A back in September 2006, its head employees summarily pillaged for positions elsewhere in Six Apart, and development on the service seemed to grind to a halt.

Due to database corruption after the power outage, Rojo has only come back up today, and not completely at that. This is probably the death knell for the struggling RSS aggregator. It's easier to move feed readers than journals, whether it be to Google Reader or other competitors in the market, and users will be able to export an OPML list of their feeds and finish the move to greener pastures started when the service was down for such an extended period of time.

(And I can't mention feed readers without mentioning my current darling Gregarius: self hosted and web based.)
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