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nathaara August 2 2007, 13:41:08 UTC
Where is the post where arie said that? And where do you make these requests? Perhaps a bunch of us could send in similar messages to try getting the point across.


ex_uniquewo August 2 2007, 13:48:18 UTC
I wrote to feedback@livejournal.com - and so did elfwreck I believe. When you write to feedback, your mail is turned into a private request at Support. So you cannot see arie's answer. I've edited my post to make this clearer. But, as I said, I can make a screencap if you think it is necessary.

You can write to feedback too. I've also seen someone open a simple Support request. This request is publicly visible.

BTW, most of the answers that were given on this topic are visible in the comments made on this post.


nathaara August 2 2007, 13:50:21 UTC


elfwreck August 2 2007, 15:03:35 UTC
The reply is a private request, which means it's not searchable, but I think it's still viewable by anyone who has the link. (I could see it when I wasn't logged in.) But I'm not sure if we'd get in trouble for sharing the link; I remember hearing something about that, but couldn't find it in a brief lookthrough of the FAQ.


ex_uniquewo August 2 2007, 15:09:36 UTC
Did they feed you the line about how one of their engineers liked the Pepsi theme so much that he made it his default layout? If I remember well, we got the same answer so they must have. (For those who would want to see what this theme looks like live, they're talking about whitaker's journal)

Too bad we're so uncool, you know. ;)


ex_uniquewo August 17 2007, 17:35:51 UTC
BTW, I had the opportunity to "talk" with coffeechica about the way this support request was handled. She apologized and told me to write to rachel, which I did more than a week ago - I'm still waiting for an answer. I also asked Carrie to reopen the request and close it without credit, which she did. I still can't reopen the request but at least nobody got points they didn't deserve.
I also opened a new request upon receiving sponsored gifts and seeing them displayed on my profile page. I didn't get any answer yet. I focused on asking them to update the official documentation, as you suggested in a previous comment.


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