News Post mentioning Sponsored+

Jun 02, 2006 13:02

June news is up. Sponsored+ mentioned thus:

Sponsored+ Account Level ( Read more... )

plus level statistics

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Comments 16

tiferet June 3 2006, 01:08:24 UTC
10-16%? That's so depressing.


ex_uniquewo June 3 2006, 01:31:57 UTC
"of active journals." That's 200,000 journals out of over 10,000,000 accounts. And let's see how things go in the long run. I think it's too soon to see if peole get tired of them or not. It's be great to have a turnover rate. How many switch back? How many new accounts among those? (Seeing as s+ is the default). How many people have been s+ since April?

Have you run into many s+ accounts? Me, just a few. I wonder who they are.


sasuko June 3 2006, 02:07:24 UTC
I think it's too soon to see if peole get tired of them or not.

Mm...perhaps...but from the few S+ accounts I've seen, most of them are keen to keep them. Reason? Free icons. So although it's possible that they'd get fedup of it, I'm not optimistic.

I wonder who they are.

I don't know most of those that I've seen personally, but most of those that I've seen are the targetted age group: the 15-17 year olds (if they were honest about their birthdates, I mean). Of course, there are those in the early twenties floating around, but most of those I've seen (really generally on communities) tend to be those in that age group.


halfawake June 3 2006, 05:16:03 UTC
"of active journals." That's 200,000 journals out of over 10,000,000 accounts.

If we're comparing to active users, using the over 10 million number is a really inaccurate comparision because no where near all LiveJournal users are active users.


tallblue June 4 2006, 04:18:07 UTC
Maybe this is a way of easing the ads in, then basic (former free) will be considered among the ranks of early adopters? And possibly be unavailable to new users at a later date?

This would have to be done over time.

This way band width would be paid for all the way around. People who really hate ads will pay and people who don't care and don't pay monies will pay (ads). Maybe this is the new business model?

I am guessing at best.


ex_shattered767 June 4 2006, 08:28:31 UTC
That's actually an interesting theory. We'll have to see how it plays out. :)


ex_uniquewo June 4 2006, 10:20:47 UTC

Considering 6A is launching a new blogging service (here too) which is apparently going to be free but ad-sponsored, that's quite plausible.

And it seems to me that the "switching to s2 (=s1 will be gone soon)" business is also about making sure that layouts are not screwed up when viewing ads.


foxfirefey June 5 2006, 00:41:38 UTC
Aha, so that's what happened to Comet. I'm going to post about it, I think, now that it's launched.


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