A few thoughts on Justified 6x01...

Jan 24, 2015 22:18

What a dark, dark final season this will be. Not just because of that last scene; what with Boyd wanting to run away because Harlan is a ghost town, and booze-for-breakfast Ava replying that's okay because they're dead already, and Art telling Raylan that one of these days he'll end up dying in a duel, and even Winona joking to herself about the graveyard shift in the opening scene. I got myself accidentally spoiled on Twitter for Dewey's death, and while the spoiler shocked me, in the context of the episode I could see Boyd being in this mind frame - along with everybody else, it seems. I thought the murder itself was written as rather... well, weirdly merciful: Dewey wants things to be like before, when Boyd told them stories and they all rallied around him and felt like they belonged to a tradition of some kind, so Boyd puts him in front of an old photograph and tells him a story, and Dewey dies rather happy in a mental place of nostalgic warmth. Of course, that just makes the ice-blue light on Boyd's face in the aftermath all the more brutally cold, and I'm now convinced that he'll end up killing Ava as well before the season ends. (Dammit.) And speaking of storytelling, Raylan might as well have delivered a story of his own to her, along with a push in the direction of a death sentence. I suppose we'll see, but... things look pretty damn bleak.

ANYWAY. I love Rachel in the main office, running the show! And I love Tim doing surveillance and driving around with Raylan and delivering fantastically dry quips! I'd watch the Rachel-and-Tim spinoff for another 6 years. ♥ Also, looking forward to Garret Dillahunt's part, however long he sticks around; he is SUCH a terrific performer, but we already know Boyd is the primary Big Bad of the season, and the pattern of this show is to do away with the new bad guy pretty quickly, which can be... quite a shame. Oh well; I'll take whatever I can get.

Finally, something non-spoilery: A+ use of Lucinda Williams' "Protection" in the episode.

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