Somewhat shameful admission: I've had both seasons of Life on Mars for quite a while and I've watched the first 15 episodes over and over again... but I was actually TOO AFRAID to watch the finale. It's true! Because then 1) I might be heartbroken, depending on how it ended; and 2) it would be over - and then what would I do?!
Anyway, I'm happy to report that I've managed to give myself a successful "oh grow the fuck up" talk, sit down, and watch it yesterday - FINALLY - and my non-spoilery reaction boils down to: this is a truly ASTONISHING show. This is ART in the form of television. This is the sort of quality and complexity that doesn't come around very often, so if you haven't seen Life on Mars please do so before ABC makes its version for the American audience and most likely fucks it up beyond all recognition.
Also, on some level I'm aware that I should be writing deep and profound analysis of the show's exploration of the themes of reality, purpose, narrativity, time, isolation/exile, meaning, perception, modernity, nostalgia, human experience etc. etc... but really, all I can do right now is LOVE THE HELL OUT OF SAM TYLER.
(OH, SAM!)
Don't get me wrong, I love Gene and Annie as well, but Sam is... special. Yes. Btw, I have no 'shippy feelings whatsoever (strange but true!) because, well, I'm pretty much ecstatic about the actual CANON. Imagine that. And now, the joy of watching the whole thing over again - AGAIN! Yay!!!
Anyway, John Simm is impeccable as always. And since today is the 1967th anniversary of Caligula's assassination (heh, not one of my better rationalizations *g*),
here's him playing the emperor - also known as his audition for the Master. Man, does he ever make depravity look good.
(Btw, I know this question gets asked so often that it's totally lost meaning by now, but seriously: how is he so awesome?! Inquiring minds want to know!)