Moi j'adore qu'on me dévore

Oct 28, 2007 21:50

I now have my grubby little hands on Nomades by Guesch Patti, and its single "L' Homme Au Tablier Vert" (which totally deserves to be on the Master's playlist) - yay! Ah, early '90s French rock. Is there anything better ( Read more... )

music, daisy pusher, spn

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Comments 9

svilleficrecs October 29 2007, 02:55:00 UTC
It was just the sniffles for me this morning, but something is definitely going around from a lot of sources (my F-list is all plague-y sounding).

Also, *waves hi*. It was lovely to finally meet you. :)


no_detective October 30 2007, 17:43:56 UTC
I dragged myself to work today, and four other people in the office are sick; surprise, surprise. Actually, I'm about to drag myself back home because I still feel extremely shitty.

And yes, hi! It was terrific to meet you, even though I didn't socialize much due to the onset of plague and all. Your vid was delicious, btw. I think you conquered the new frontier in vidding - daytime soaps FTW!


isagel October 29 2007, 03:13:48 UTC
Feel better soon. I'm sure John Simm is a fool-proof cure for anything. *hugs*

And now I'm getting curious about your French rock.


no_detective October 30 2007, 17:46:27 UTC
John Simm made me feel REALLY good (OMG SAM), but I'm afraid I'm not feeling much better. :(

Re: French rock, I'm going to do a post about it - but you can check out the video to the song I mentioned here. I can't listen to it without visualising a Master vid.


chelseagirl October 29 2007, 10:00:57 UTC
I assumed it was a reference to that upper east side apt building plane crash in the past few years -- of course, that killed a Yankee so it wasn't exactly light and fluffy either, but it's interesting that my mind didn't go to a 9/11 place . . .

Hope you feel better! I am currently loading LOM and the Master eps on to my video ipod so I can have the comfort of Simm any place, any time.


no_detective October 30 2007, 18:12:35 UTC
Yes, that was my second association. Still... it wasn't the size of the plane or such that invited the reference, but the visual of a plane flying into a building - it's practically iconic, I think. Besides, I've never seen any footage of the UES crash. I'm glad you didn't have the same association.

I'm still quite sick, alas, but I really enjoyed spending a few hours with LOM yesterday. (OMG SAM.) That sounds quite reasonable, btw, having some of Simm's oeuvre at hand at all times. He's the new bottled water!


asta77 October 29 2007, 16:34:18 UTC
it was the scene of the plane smashing into the side of the building. Not to be a sensitive little NY-resident flower, but... I'm sure that for many years to come, this kind image just won't be able to work for me outside the 9/11 context.

I have to say, I was shocked they used that imagery. 9/11 was the first thing to come to mind and then the more recent plane crash that killed the baseball player and pilot. I think it's far too soon. Even if they maybe just had the sound of a crash and then them arriving at the apartment to see the plane in the living room I might have been OK with it. But to show the plane flying into the building not once, but twice put me very ill at ease.

Hope you are feeling better!


no_detective October 30 2007, 18:22:18 UTC
Yes, I had the same two associations one after another, but the 9/11 was the primary one (mostly because I've never seen any footage of the smaller plane crash on the Upper East Side). You're right, I think such a plot might be OK if only it weren't for the visual parallel of that action, the flight into the building. I was also surprised they used the scene twice - I suspect they wanted to get their money's worth from such an expensive special effects shot.

I'm still feeling rather awful, but I'm sure I'll recover in a few days; thank you. *g*


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no_detective November 1 2007, 18:42:34 UTC
Hello sweetheart! I'm recovering, thank you. I finally replied to your email - and can I just say how very excited I am to see you next week?? SO EXCITED!!!

We'll work out the details in the next few days. YAY!


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