Today I had to figure out "How much do I charge?" This person wants to commission me to do up some logos and art for his high profile garage punk web site (ok i'll just go out and say it, it's and asked me how much do you charge? Gee I dunno know how much I charge! Usually I don't charge nuffin, and let who ever I did art for give me what ever they think it's worth. According to this web site however I should be charging 75 bucks an hour! Ahh well whatever, I'll figure something out. Also somebody else wants me to make a flash web site for their kustom made clear Plexiglass futuristic looking record player company and wants to pay me dough for the job. Gee, looks like the days of having to eat at taco bell every day are almost gone, soon I'll be moving on up to my dream of eatting at Taquerías everyday. Although in this case I'd gladly take one of his kustom made 2800 dollar clear Plexiglass record players as payment!