For makeyourlist - 19.2 - Things I hate doing

Apr 15, 2008 18:56

19.2. Make a list of things you hate doing

1. Sneakin' about so the Company wankers don't find me
2. Bein' scared every time some bloke in a suit actually looks at me on the street
3. Flyin' on an aeroplane -- too closed in an' no way to escape if someone finds me. At least on a train or a bus, there's a relatively good chance I'll survive jumpin' out
4. Goin' to fancy parties if I have to be visible
5. Havin' to run out on folks I really do love just ta save me skin
6. Losin' folks I love
7. Bein' hurt
8. Bein' scared all the time

Character: Claude Rains
Fandom: Heroes
Crossposted to makeyourlist


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