x = yes
_ = no
(x) made a wish
(x) tied your shoes
(_) eaten cake
(_)signed a contract
(x) made something explode
(x) directly and knowingly supported the pornography industry
(x) sent something through the US mail
(x) been very angry
(x) gone a day without eating
(_) stolen something you considered "insignificant"
(x) watched more than three different television shows
(_) prayed
(x) had a conversation that you considered very personally meaningful
(x) been intoxicated by any substance
(x) thrown up
(x) gotten paid
(x) gone a night without sleeping
(_) broken something you like by accident
(x) envied someone very strongly
(x) finished an artistic project
(x) hated
(_) fucked
(x) made very loud noises
(x) made noise that was too loud
(x) given a thumbs up
(x) agreed to go to out of state
(x) slept in a bed that is not, or has never been, your own
(_) listened to Pat Benatar's "Love Is a Battlefield"
(x) been drunk
(_) smoked pot
(x) kissed a member of the opposite sex
(_) rode in a taxi
(_) been dumped
(_) been fired
(x) been in a fight(physical)
(_) snuck out of your parent's house---->im on my own now, yay!
(x) broken the law
(_) made out with a stranger
(_) stole something from my job
(_) saw someone you haven't seen in years
(x) fibbed to a friend
(_) had a crush on a teacher
(_) been to europe
(_) been out of the country
(_) skipped school
(_) said something you regretted instantly
(x) read a good book
(x) tried something new
(_) broken your word
(x) ended up not doing what you planned to do
(x) cried
(x) kept your mouth shut in order to keep the peace
First kiss: Cat
First state you lived in: PA
First boy/girl you liked: bobbi 2nd grade
First boy/girl you loved: KAt
First book you couldn't put down: War and peace
First friend you couldn't wait to see: Taylor
First IM of the day: Talor
First email: alucard_fred66@yahoo.com
First online journal: diary.com
First band you loved: Limp Bizkit
First poster you bought: Limp Bizkit
First band member you obsessed about: Fred Durst
First song you loved of your current favorite band: Damn it- Blink 182
Last kiss: flores(shes latino, so everytime she sees me, she has to kiss me)
Last Hug: myers
Last word said: Fuck
Last book read (all the way): Boots on the ground-A month with the 82nd airborne in Iraq
Last IM: percin_victim
Last person IMed: percin_victim
Last person called you: taylor
Last person you called: taylor
Last online journal entry: this one
Last TV show seen: something on the history channel
Last commercial seen: dunno
Last person you spoke to: gramley
Last CD bought: Yellowcard, ocean avenue
Last song heard: Sugarcult-Bury you alive
Last thought: I need a ciggartte
Last word heard: Hackett??
Current song listening to/singing to: Time of your life(good riddance)-Greenday
Current website you're surfing: launch.com
Current book you're reading: none
Current friend you're talking to: noone, everyones asleep
Current rant: NOTHING, IM FINALLY HAPPY!!!! WOOO!!!!
Current rave: oO zim
Current obsession: taylor, and trying to convince taylor to jump out of a plane wiht me
Current hair color: blonde
Current thought: why does my stomach hurt?
Current font you love: comic sans
Current shoe you're wearing: adidas superstars 2gs
Current hair style: short, fade, you know miltary regs and all
Current person you hate: no one at the moment
Name: Arthur(artie) Stewart Hackett
Today's Date: September 4
Current Time: 0135
Your Birthdate: 10.7.85
Where Did You Get This Survey: one of taylors freinds
-----Right Now-----
Clothes: black bondage pants, tshirt from basic traning
Hair: blonde
Eyes: blue/green/gray
Peircings: 0
Song Playing: memory-sugar cult
Feeling: I miss taylor!!
Taste In Mouth: Malbro red ciggartte
Smell: old spice soap
Thought: 2 more weeks, oh, and i jump on the 11th!! combat light, c-17, 1400, oO thats gonna be so fucking sweet*humps something*
Look to your left and describe what you see: the window
Look to your right and describe what you see: hallway & closet
Look Behind you and describe what you see: chest of drawers
Book: 1985
Color: black, red, blue
Animal: ferrets
TV show: INvader zim
Word: outstanding
Non alcoholic Drink: water
Alcoholic Drink: yeager bomb
Band: I have too many to list
Instrument: guitar, bass
Comic: Who else, JTHM
Comic character: who else damn it! Nny
-----About You------
Age: 18
Gender: male
Sexuality: straight
Sign: libra
What is your quest? Airborne special forces ranger delta
What is the air velocity of an unladen swallow? african or european?
Natural Hair Color: dirty blonde
Natural Eye Color:Blue
Natural Skin Tone: whiter than hell
How Many Friends Are On Your Buddy List: 40 something
Boy/Girl friend: Taylor!!!!
How are you? bored
Black/white: black
Light/dark: depends on my mood
Cats/dogs: dogs
Chocolate/vanilla: vanilla
AIM/Yahoo/MSN/whatever else you may have: yahoo
Word/Notepad: either
Anime/Manga: either
Girls/Boys: females
Democrat/Republican: republican
Pre-marital/Post-marital: pre marital
-----Have you ever-----
Had sex: yep
Broken the law: yes(alot, its a fun lil hobby!)
Kissed someone: yes
Fallen in love: yes
Been in love: yes
Fallen out of love: yes
Been broken-hearted: yes
Had a hard time coping with your broken heart: you betcha
Been emotionally distressed: yes
Skinny-dipped: yeppers
Been in a fight and won: yes
Been in a fight and lost: once
Been shunned for something you can't help: yes
Really hated anyone: yes
Told someone that you love them: yes
Not had their love returned: yes
Not told someone that you love them: yes
Had someone tell you they love you and mean it: yes
Had someone tell you they love you and not mean it: yes
Smoked: yea, getting ready to go have anthoer one
Drank: yea
Gotten high: yep
an old lady high: no
Skipped school: yes
Cheated on a test: no
Stayed up until 2 AM talking to that special someone about ladders(or something just as inconsequential): yep
cried yourself to sleep: yeah
Seen a survey more annoying than this one: yes
What is the current time now? 0142
How long did it take you to finish this survey? dunno, wasn't timing myself