Pairing: Hyde/Gackt
Rating: T
Summary: Gackt is hiding something from Hyde, is it enough to break them apart?
Warning: Appearances of Kaz
Disclaimer: I don’t own anyone or anything but my own ideas
Upon arriving home to his large house, Hyde closed the large white oak door with a sigh and looked about his house, nothing. No one. Where was Gackt?
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LOL Gackt, being a Hydeist while dating Hyde... that's hilarious. (I would be too though, haha)
I liked this one since it was pretty realistic, and you got their emotions down very well. I felt so bad for Hyde, poor thing thought he was being cheated on... *hugs him*
I liked how you mentioned Gackt's eyes a lot, and how he uses his natural eyes around Hyde rather than the blue contacts he shows to the world. Like he's showing Hyde his true self since Hyde's the one who matters most to him.
Haha I got the idea from a friend here, I wonder if they'll figure it out XD personally I thought it'd be such a cute idea, but I sorta made it not so cute in the begining :3
Really? I'm glad! I wanted Hyde to strong since I often read him as the weak one in a break up with Gackt,
You totally understand me! I mean sure I wrote it in there but still! (^O^)/ I think it's such an endearing action on Gackt's part, it'd be something he'd do, right?
lol nice, that'd be fun. Oh it does. It's a good set up with some angst in the beginning and fluff in the end.
Yeah, Hyde came off as very strong since he was always trying not to break down and he was the one that kicked Gackt out. I've noticed Hyde is seen as the weak one a lot. I think he gets picked on because he's little XD Poor Hyde.
I agree, it seems like something Gackt would do
Though it is fun to poke fun at him, don't get me wrong~ :3
Haha yes it is. I love the man, but I can't resist teasing his chibi-ness XDD
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