Ugh. Felt like crap last night (my gut), but eventually got to sleep. Had a little bit of aspirated reflux. It's always fun but this bout wasn't bad. Eventually got the top of my airway to stop burning, and back to sleep. Woke up again with a more painful bout. Woo, twice in one night, a new record! On the plus side, if you can call it that, it's happened often enough that I no longer think I'm gonna die of asphyxiation. It's still a marvelous combination of scary and unpleasant, but not as fearful as that first time. I'd try to describe it but no words could do it justice.
I'm not sure what caused this one, but on the (non-sarcastic) plus side I figured out the 2 foods that caused all my previous episodes, so I imagine I can figure this out too. I hope it's not the half jar of chili-garlic sauce I ate, because I really love that stuff.