Cats rarely recognizes pictures or items that look like cats. Once he was interested in a lynx (iirc) on TV, and there are
the cat ears, but they're the exceptions. Another is a stuffed tiger we have, about the same size as Cats.
Our last apartment's stairwell had a railing you couldn't see through and a sharp turn at the bottom, which Cats took at breakneck speed. Succumbing to temptation one day we put the tiger at the bottom, just out of sight around the corner, and waited. I don't remember if we let nature take its course or helped things along by rattling a bag of treats, but inevitably Cats came rocketing down the stairs, dug his claws in to make the high speed turn and came face to face with OMFG WTF IS A TIGER DOING IN MY HOUSE!?!?!
Unable to turn or stop in time he went vertical and did an amazing vault over the tiger, landed in a crouch and swung around to see if it was pursuing him. He spent the next few minutes carefully "sneaking up" on it (in plain sight), getting closer and closer, eventually patting it with his paw and deciding it's not alive. (He does the same death-check on us around breakfast time, if we sleep too late.)
We did other things with the tiger like putting it on the bed where he couldn't see it until he jumped up next to it, but eventually decided it was going to give him a heart attack and stopped. We never unpacked it after moving, but now I think I might have to go find it. :>