Title: Dark Legacy
nmidian - Nick Midian
Rating: R
Pairings & Characters: Paire (like, duh!) canon insofar. This is an ensemble cast fic, so we also have Matt/Audrey, Niki/DL, and all around Heroes-bonding friendships.
Spoilers: Most of S1 is untouched but for the very end. Some references to S2, but in an alternate mode.
Summary: Two years after an alternative ending to HtSaEM, Peter and Claire find themselves reunited and on the run from mysterious assassins, trying to reveal a dark conspiracy that might destroy the world and face their not-so-acceptable feelings for each other. This is an epic fic, so brace yourselves, because it's gonna be a bumpy ride!
Feedback: Should I even have to say it? Please, yes, please.
Author's Notes: First of all, thanks to my betas. Theo, Elle, Sarah, Caity, you're the best, guys. Second, I'm posting this at fanfiction.net because frankly, at an average of 45 pages a part, it would be way too chopped to be posted at LJ with its length limit. And third, for those of you that are already following this story, you might notice that last part that I posted was part 7, and now this is chapter five. Makes no sense? Well, that's because the old parts 1 and 2 are now the new Prologue. And parts 3 and 4 have become Chapter One. I think it works better this way. Don't you worry, you haven't lost anything in the overhaul. :)
This part: Peter dreams, Claire breaks down, Hiro kicks ass, Matt uses the Force, Mohinder gets sick and Mr. Bennet wonders at what exact moment he decided to adopt this bunch of crazy people. Trust me, it's way less silly than it sounds.
Chapter Five: Family Comes First Previous Parts:
Prologue: The Night of the Exploding ManChapter One: Two Years LaterChapter Two: Field WorkChapter Three: Fight or FlightChapter Four: Stranger in my Bed