Title: Crack in the mirror
nmidian- Nick Midian
Characters: Peter
Challenge: Challenge #13: Reflection - at
pairechallengeRating: PG-13
Notes: Set after 2x03 - Kindred. Bear with me on this one, please, I'm not sure if it makes any sense, as right now it's 1:30 in the morning, I'm working, sick like a dog and under the influence of some serious anti-flu drugs... Comments are love, as always.
Ps> The first line in the drabble are lyrics stolen from "Bloodletting" by Concrete Blonde.
There’s a crack in the mirror and a bloodstain on the bed.
The reflected stranger looks at me with fiery eyes, the wound on the glass crossing his face like a scar. I don’t know him, but his desperation scares me.
My hand heals but the blood runs between my fingers warm and slick. I remember blood.
There’s just a charcoal black sketch in the box. A sad smiling petite girl. Somehow I know her hair is blonde, her eyes green.
Scribbled behind, in mine and his handwritting, three words. Save her, Peter.
Caitlin sleeps. I leave without saying goodbye.