Dec 06, 2006 23:23
I guess I haven't gone over what I've been up to recently. I'll do that now.
First, it was my grandfather's 75th birthday on the weekend, so we had a big surprise party for him. Not that it was a surprise it was his birthday, but he certainly didn't expect to see about 30 of us standing there waiting for him on his way to a quiet birthday dinner. We didn't shout "surprise!" because that would be like shouting "heart attack!" and that would have ruined the jovial mood, and wasted all the champagne. Instead we just stood there waiting for him to decide that he was not, in fact, seeing things. He stared at us for about 10 seconds, then finally said "oh, my goodness!" and broke into a grin.
All in all, a very nice party.
Peta and I have worked out the purchase of her plane tickets to Canada! She's coming at the end of the month, so I'll be able to introduce her around. If you're reading this and you haven't met her in person yet, then I can't wait for you to meet her!
My practicum starts on Monday. I've been into the school twice now. I've met my mentor teacher and my/her students. I've got a unit overview ready, and need to put together individual lesson plans for each day. Ms. Corey suggested I include an art project to go along with my poetry workshop, which sounds fun.
Ms. Corey is very nice, and well organized. I can learn a lot of good stuff from her. I'm also learning about myself, and what I think. I don't like the way she can be really condescending towards her students. I don't think asking silly, rhetorical questions like "Katie, are you Ty?" is going to help maintain order. I also don't think there art project trees should be marked by how much they look like the real trees outside. If Pablo Picasso had been judged by how closely his portraits resembled real people, we would never have heard of him.
I don't dislike her. I just see where our views differ. I'll teach in my own way.
I'm going to go Christmas shopping tomorrow with Megan. I've got lots done, but there's still plenty more to go. It's good fun, though.