The Witch Uniter (Chapter Twenty-One)

Sep 05, 2011 15:11

The Witch Uniter
By tenshinrtaiga
Disclaimer: I don't own The Covenant or The Nine Lives of Chloe King
Summary: Chloe is a witch of the Covenant moving to San Francisco to complete her Uniter duties. She meets Alek and feels an instant spark but can a witch and a Mai really work it out?

Hey, guys. Sorry I've been MIA for a few days. Not only did school start back up last week, but a friend of mine drove up from Virginia for a visit last Wednesday and we've been partying up in Syracuse at the Fair for the past few days. Originally, I had hoped to post this chapter last Wednesday warning you guys that I wouldn't be updating for a few days, but my friend got here alittle early and I didn't get a chance to finish the other half of the chapter until today. Also, because of school, I'm not sure if I can update every day anymore. I'm still going to aim for that, but a more likely scenario will be me updating every other day or so.

(Chapter Twenty-One)

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