The Claws or the TV (9 Lives of Chloe King; Alek/Chloe; G)

Sep 02, 2011 00:03

Title: "The Claws or the TV"
Author: Pirate Turner
Dedicated To: My beloved Jack, who requested an Alek "episode" as the show's in between seasons at this time. This is the first idea that popped in my mind in, oh, about twenty minutes or so.
Rating: G
Warnings: Het, Drabble
Word Count: 200
Date Written: 30 August, 2011
Disclaimer: Alek, Chloe, and The Nine Lives of Chloe King are © & TM ABC Family and any other rightful owners, none of whom are the author. Everything else is © & TM the author. The author makes absolutely no profit off of this work of fan fiction, and no copyright infringement is intended.

Alek's ears pricked up as Chloe screamed. He all but flew through her open bedroom window and was running before his feet hit the floor. He took the stairs in a single bound and rushed to his love's side only to find her glowering at the television, her green eyes furious and her mouth open to yell again. "What?" he asked, trying not to laugh. He couldn't believe she'd screamed because of the tv!

"The tv," Chloe growled, blowing at her blonde bangs, "isn't working."


"Our show's about to come on!" she exclaimed like it was obvious. When he just continued to look at her, nonplussed, she added, "And it's the episode with our first kiss!"

"What?" Alek growled. "I'll fix that." He unsheathed his claws and went to slap the television. A static whimper passed through the air; the tv clicked on just as his claws fell against its side. Alek stopped himself before he could do any damage and grinned triumphantly at Chloe.

She smiled and plopped down on the couch. She bit her popcorn and then patted the cushion beside her. Alek beamed with pride, sat beside his lady love, and turned to watch their show.

The End
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