Alright. So tomorrow I depart for Last Rites for session two of the Last Judgement. The people at last rites are my fucking heros. Especially Liorcifer. I'm planning on him doing more work on my left arm. I'm psyched. It's been too long since I've been inked. ha. I'm looking forward to a good 6-7 hours straight. Which is what it will most likely be this session. Then next Thursday we're finishing it up. Worked out good that Ben came down to NY for these two weeks.
On another note the first weekly RAW party at Joey tits' house was a huge success. There wasn't that much hardcore action this week but it was very fun and eventful. Stone Cold even came out on a quad and raised pure hell. Wrestling's so much more funny to watch nowadays too. There was lots of good discussion brought up throughout the nite. Winterfield and I had confederate talk with Pierson all nite. I finally remembered to see the infamous Project Graduation pics of where I seriously BEAT the living piss right out of him in the boxing game. I'm seriously so surprised he's still with us. They're so great I was actually going to take pictures of the pictures but then I realized just about all those pictures are on my camera too. I have pictures from it..I still have the camera in my truck and have to remember to take the rest of the pictures so I can get those Johnnies developed. Winterfield talked about how he might stop doing college since it's gay and worthless and isn't what he even needs or wants to be doing. It all made perfect sense.
To top the night...after RAW me Winterfield and Pierson went Midnite Sledding in some park by his house. I must say it was quite some fun. I should've brought my snowboard there. It made me feel like when I was a kid and went somewhere I wanted or my favorite kid shows were coming on television. How I feel now when I see someone get the hooktorture or a graphic death.
Here's some pictures that I snapped throughout the nite....
...The infamous and sacred holy water of the Winterfield household. You can find it the first step you walk into the house. Accompanied by a Christ figurine. Pretty impressive stuff. Wasn't enough to pull me out of my anti religion-ness that I have now but nice merch.
...Awesome personal memorabilia
...The ONLY currency. We're going to try and use it somewhere we always go to.
...A sick American/Rebel Flag display in Joey Tits' room.
************************************************ know your vintage as shit and awesome as fuck when you have this.
...Joe's display of the pipe collection. 14 to be exact. I think it's sweet that my friends that smoke...most of them smoke awesome stuff like Cloves, Philly blunts and cigars. Stuff that smells awesome anyway. Winterfield just dominates the game though. If I was into smoking I'd be a fuckin awesome smoker. I'd always have one of those sick torch lighters and smoke pipes and cloves and just stock up in Colorado since it was like two bucks a pack.
...Here's a pic of Winterfield seriously just being the fucking man. Seriously, who could ever ask for a cooler friend?
1. Showing the camera one of his luxury items.
2. "Dude, check this out. It's awesome. Like..I drew it."
Here's a look in the Winterfield family's slave room....
haha. No but it's messed up...his mom bought these dolls and stuff and they're all just thrown in this one certain room. His dad's into confederacy and stuff, not racist of any way. Like he's all for the black people that fought in the war for their history and life and helped the south. It's funny though, they're all in this room...and they look so unpriveledged and sad...
...Winterfield wearing his flag with pride.
...General Lee, Glass and General Grant
...Another shot of me in the Civil War room.