Feb 04, 2011 12:42
I guess the Groundhog saw his shadow because we were getting sunny days right up until the 3rd and now it is rainy. However, it was much colder at the beginning of the week so I guess it's not a bad trade-off: some rain for temperatures above 29 degrees.
My frustrating cough-of-doom has now stuck around for 3 weeks. I was thinking it was getting better, and it was, but then I woke up this morning and my nose and throat are being ouchy and stuffed. I guess the cough finally developed into something else, either that or something opportunistic showed up in the meantime.
Oh, yeah, and my right rib muscles are still achey from all the coughing. They twinge and complain at the weirdest things, who knew those muscles were used for so much? Yay core srength.
This late Jan/February period of time is always the most trying for me in the Pacific Northwest with the dark, cold and rain. This year has tended towards more physical health issues, though, which I guess is an improvement from mental ones.
Slowly poking along at job applications and art projects. I am trying to remain hopeful about my employment prospects, reminding myself that it's not personal, that the economy is still crappy right now. I guess we'll see how it all goes.
health issues,