My friend
foresthouse is an amazing woman of many talents. She's heavily involved in fandom, writes
ask_deadpool and was a co-founder of
the North American Discworld Convention.
Problem is, her eyes aren't working anymore and, of course, with our FUBARed health care system her insurance won't cover the procedure she needs to keep her eyes functioning.
And then, of course, the hospital demanded $4000 up-front instead of in monthy installments. And that is just for one eye!
Behold! A Fandom Auction full of neat stuff! I know a lot of people are tight on money but, if you could, please please please take a look at the auctions. There is a lot of cool stuff being posted (There's masks, toys, scarves, food and more) so you'll get something neat for your $, in addition to the satisfaction of helping out someone in need.