(as always, click on the pic for the full-sized version)
this is my brother being an extra-good sport and pretending to blow out the candles on his cake. (if you hadn't noticed, they're not actually lit.) feel free to insert off-color jokes here, although please bear in mind that this is my brother we're talking about. >;)
ETA: HA! so i sent this out to the family while posting this, and he emailed back with, "thanks! but next time, try to get my *good* side. *sigh*" (er, as a joke. he's not the type to say something like that seriously.) you can imagine my response, which was something along the lines of "that's hard to do when you're sitting on it." i'm not sure if he was trying for that response, or just didn't think before he hit send...
here are a few from the other night. brazil was snoozing on the bed, and i had the bedside lamp on, and the lighting was really pretty. unfortunately, my digital camera isn't so good about pics in low lighting, so i didn't get a good capture of how the light actually looked. OTOH, the shadowy ones turned out pretty damn nifty, so who am i to complain? (clearly, the first one was taken with a flash.)
maybe i'm weird for wanting to take pictures of sprinkler pipes, but these were too cool to resist. i'm not sure i really captured the busyness of this cluster, but anyway, these are in the building where Antiques Lady works and i'd been meaning to get pics of them for ages. like, since i temped there last year. i finally remembered to bring my camera, the very last time i worked with her.