"perhaps it was something i said?" "perhaps it is everything you say."

Jan 20, 2006 11:01

dear lord. this may, in actual fact, be my last weekend of freelance with Antiques Lady. which is very good for her, but not so good for me. still and all, not such a bad thing.

brazil decided this morning that 5:30 was the optimal time to start whining and making paper-crinkling noises so i'd get up and feed her. (i still can't figure out what the hell she was rubbing on that was making so damn much noise.) suffice to say, she was unceremoniously tossed into the bathroom, followed by a dish of wet food (because admittedly she usually gets some around midnight before i go to bed, but i zonked out way early last night, hallelujah), and didn't get her dry food until i woke up at 10:30. well, that's what you get if you wake me up at 5:30am, begging for food. future overnight guests, be warned. >;)

i think i'm nearly coherent enough to try & get hold of michelle's stepfather for an update and an address. although, despite sleeping pretty soundly (until 5:30, when i was awake for an hour or two, thanks brazil), i could crawl right back into bed and must resist the temptation. uhhh.

last night: bab5 season 4 finale. ohgod. last 2 episodes. the scene in medlab with ivanova and stephen made me cry SO HARD. the scene w/ delenn and lennier, shortly thereafter, not SO hard, but man oh man, poor lennier.

"all love is unrequited." is it possible to both completely agree AND completely disagree with that statement?

ETA: dunno why the fuck my cut tags aren't registering, and whether that's semagic or LJ itself. grr. i checked 'em twice and everything.

ETA2: because i didn't check closely enough. apparently i typed "li-cut" instead of "lj-cut". d'oh!

bab5, sleep, freelance, michelle, kitty

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