I don't really have too much to post on..
mostly bored..
I'm still waiting to hear from the people at Geek.Kon for volunteer stuff.. and I'm slated to help out
badger2305 on a panel, and yes.. it's about Old School Renaissance Gaming
I hope to hear back from them soon.. so that I can actually plan out how I will be able to be there..
I've already sent one email reminder, the previous exchange of emails taking place around July 4th.. and the head of volunteers was headed out of town for vacation..
that was.. about a week ago now I guess..
but I don't want to be bothersome
my rp collection has grown again slightly..
I am planning to update my google documents with the new stuff I have..
I already updated my dvd document.. not sure if I posted that or not.. but I can watch a different dvd 24 hours a day for almost 25% of the year..
I just need to find a hawt kinky geeky redheaded chick that has another 25%..
as we grow into our later years..
we can get the other 50% together..
I mean.. how romantic is that?
you can't get more romantic!
I am still a go for Geek.Kon..
I'm still nervous about going cause I still believe that the uber-hawt librarian chick will be there throwing a party for OddCon