holy crap..
I knew the state was bad off... but..(expletive deleted)
I was watching BBC News America on this (since it's complete failure isn't news worthy for the taint garglers at Fox News) mostly because it was about Illinois and having grown up there it is the most uberest kewlest state ever.. (this was a while ago now.. the watching part.. not the Illinois is the greatest state ever part..)
I expected them to focus on Chicago.. Springfield.. or some other major city..
Not the frakkin' burbs that I grew up..
hell.. they even talked (albeit briefly) about the school district I attended.. some of the other districts are losing 1/3 or more of their teachers..
the classes were huge when I was in.. more years ago than I like to think about..
now they'll be doubled?
or more?
at least if they get sick they won't be able to go to a doctor or anything..
I wonder how Canada is doing..
I like bacon..
I like beer..
I like hockey.. err.. Hockey
I'm all like.. polite and sh*t..
I can rock the Canadian thing..
onto Odd-Con news..
they set about whiddling down the number of over-all panels..
setting them up for times and places and I only lost one of the panels I'd been listed on..
well.. the panel is still there, but I think they forgot to add me to it (which is alright for the most part since it wasn't on gaming, so I can simply get sloshed instead :-D)
actually updated my soulgeek profile and a certain uber cool person *cough*
skitabug *cough* even got me three months of actual membership..
so far, one chick actually messaged me.. well.. sent me a 'hail' which is the soulgeek version of 'whazzzzup!!!' I guess..
she's cute..
she's into anime.. which.. I can look past
and sent an actual message back (no reply.. as it has not been read)
not much else is up in the land of Nix..