Early news from Odd-Con.. the days are being counted down

Mar 16, 2010 01:55

omgomgomgomg... I'm gonna be on a discussion panel with monte cook.. he helped write two editions of D&D.. omgomgomg.. Nix must study

Monte Freaking Cook.. breathe... breathe..breathe..


now.. 3.0 and 3.5 may not have been my favorite editions..
I remember using a crayon to mark in the numbers on my first set of dice (now lost to history)
so I'm still a huge fan of basic and advanced

but still.. here's a dude that worked with Gygax.. he's helped form what D&D is.. he's basically living the sort of life that I would love to submerge in.. 
gaming.. o' glorious gaming..
there are few things more at the core of Nix than gaming..
I do not believe that there is anything more at the core of a Nix than gaming
gaming vs. food?
gaming wins.. I'll just eat while I'm gaming and if I ever go to a buffet.. yup.. there's a rpg book in my hand
gaming vs. fly ass car?
gaming wins.. cars break down, need gas, and still won't get me laid
gaming vs. hawt kinky chick?
this is a close one.. I'd probably game first.. then talk to the hawt kinky chick (the mythical being that she is that actually spoke to me that is)
gaming vs. hawt geeky kinky chick?
there wouldn't be any question as gaming would come first for the both of us making the question moot..

there's even going to be a 'Remembering Gygax' panel that I really hope to attend.. I figure it will be well attended since D&D was created and built not far from here, and besides.. it's Gary Gygax.. one of the few people whom I never met whose passing I truly mourn

however.. here is a list of what all I'll be participating in at the convention..

Campaign Design: The GMs Toolkit How do you prepare for a RPG campaign? Preparation vs. spontaneity. What are the resources you find essential for campaign design?

Storyteller's Art in Gaming: The GM as Storyteller. How the application of the classic storytelling arts can enhance the RPG experience, both live and from print sources.

Strengths and benefits of table-top role-playing compared to online gaming. (and yes, I will be taking the anti-online gaming stance)

What Makes a Role-playing Game "good"? Angst? Romance? Humor? Lots of loot? A non-rules-specific discussion of the elements both players and GMs find essential to "good" games.

What the Heck is the "Old School Renaissance?" Over the past 2-3 years, there has been a resurgence of interest in playing so-called "vintage" role-playing games like Original D&D, Classic Traveler, and the like. This movement isn't just about playing out-of-print games, there is also a real difference in philosophy about how to play, compared with more recent games - and there are new games being written in this style!

Can Fandom survive a Post-Scarcity Society -or- What Do We Do After We've Won? It used to be that fans were people who read science fiction, and conventions were places to experience things you couldn't get elsewhere. Now EVERYBODY reads and watches science fiction; if you want to see or buy something, it's available on Netflix, or Hulu, or available on Amazon. If everybody is now just like us, what - if anything - sets us apart?

Midnight Horror Panel: Monsters for the Next 90 Years. What are they for? We fear them, we need them! Monsters are in our earliest stories, our childhood nightmares, our current horror, fantasy and science fiction. But they are a fashion of the times -- vampires and zombies may have peaked, and many classic monsters have been de-monsterized. So what is the next thing under the bed?

then there are the panels I hope to simply hop into..

Lovecraft is Not Dead, only Dreaming: Fans of HPL discuss his continuing influence in horror and dark fantasy, and speculate how the Mythos will continue to evolve. Note: may be cut.

It’s 2010! Time for OUR Odyssey, Too! Peter Hyams made a movie of it in 1984. So here we are at last in 2010, only to find the space program stalled in LEO, with the shuttle program winding down and NASA marking time. Would things have been different if the premise of Clarke’s original short story, “The Sentinel” (1951), had caused more people to look outward instead of inward? What will it take now to bring to fruition the old maxim that “The meek shall inherit the Earth; the rest of us are going to the stars.”?

World of Whedon: Discuss all the works of Joss Whedon from Buffy to Dollhouse and Beyond!

and.. well..
there are a few others no doubt..
and then there is the helping out with the Con-Suite, of course..
baking for the Con-Suite has already started with 40 or so mini-loaves of Cinnamon-Banana Bread and around a dozen of so Zuchinni Bread of the same size

it's.. just.. me..
a Nix..
one of the few Nix to exist..
on a panel with someone that is like.. important in the gaming industry..
this gives me great hope of meeting John Wick one day

p.s. here is the link to the pic.. I tried blowing it up, but it might still be rather tiny to view

geekness, gaming, oddcon, update

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