Nov 23, 2009 12:33
having missed two previous conventions due forgetting what day it was.. I had been really hoping to be able to attend this one. Admittedly, I am not the biggest anime fan, and daisho-con is an anime convention. I understand many geeks, nerds, and dorks are interested in and have a deep love of anime, but it has never grabbed me. This is due to several reasons:
1) most anime is from non-America and in gibbery-jabbery non-American languages
2) poke'mon
3) dragonball z
4) once you see a hundred schoolgirls raped by tentacled demons and aliens.. do you really need to see another hundred raped by tentacled demons or aliens?
5) the average age of an anime convention is around 14
6) dragonball z (yes.. this is listed twice because I hated it that much and abhor the 20 minutes I actually spent watching it)
7) anime is pro-google
8) anime's are pro-zombie
9) anime is anti-short people
Normally, I wouldn't have thought twice about even going but I saw that they were going to have gaming and some Odd-con fellows were going to be attending. Even my ability to attend was in question till ten minutes before I left, and would not have attended had I found out I would be able to go any later. Thus, at 9 05 in the morning, I hastily grabbed up some dice, cash, prettied myself up, and then dashed out the door.
Another reason I had wanted to go was a discussion panel entitled 'Zombie 201', something that would be extremely hard to pass up for someone as paranoid about zombie attacks as I am and it was slated to start at 10 am. This tight time frame caused the Nix, a normally fastidious driver, to actually speed :-O. Yes, that is correct.. the Nix sped. Instead of driving at a rate of 65 mph.. I drove at an amazing rate of 75 mph. Being the middle of Wisconsin the drive was quite uneventful. Not nearly as boring as Indiana, but flat farmland is flat farmland. Along with the dice and cash, I had also jotted down the address of where I was headed. For some reason I had thought that Daisho-con was actually in Madison, so I was glad I double checked cause it turned out to be in Stevens Point (just over a hundred miles north of Madison).
At 9 50 I hit Stevens Point and I glanced down at my final destination.
" Sweet," I thought to myself, " still enough time to get to the zombie survival panel'
However, this hope was soon dashed as I noticed a slight flaw to my travel plans. Yes, I had thought ahead and checked where I needed to go, but I failed to write down the actual destination. A street address is only useful if you actually have a frakkin idea of what the name of the place is you are going.
So.. I immersed myself into the force, and after one slight detour actually ended up at the correct hotel, which was off by itself away from the other hotels listed on a highway sign. I found a parking spot and meandered inside to register.
Sadly, by the time it was all done.. Zombie 201 only had another 15 minutes thus eliminating my chance to wow anyone with my vast repository of zombie knowledge. It ended with a 'situation', the convention is now over-run with zombies. We were safe in the room, but had to figure out our next course of action. Votes were taken.. stay there.. try for freedom.. and then a vote was taken for who wanted to be zombies. This last round of questioning only brought forth a few raised hands, and we quickly voted to feed them to the zombies. Either they could satisfy the zombies hunger long enough for a few to get away, or they would distract the zombies long enough for a few of us to get away. It was also postulated for some of them to be chopped up and randomly fed to zombies to keep them at bay as we escaped.
I wished I had been able to get there earlier..