FRIDAY.. FRIDAY.. FRIDAY!!!! (to be said outloud in the booming echo-y announcer voice)

Jan 14, 2009 21:09

battle-fracking-star galactica returns..

thus.. from this point on I will be having a private (since there is no one else here to watch them with me) BSG marathon (minus Razor and the webisodes)

now.. it be true that I am excited..
BSG is one of my favorite sci-fi shows of all time (also in that vaunted group is Dr. Who, Bab5, and of course the Star Treks)
however.. I am also approaching the ending with trepadition..

why? (you might be asking.. or.. probably not)
Starbuck.. oh for the love of the gawds.. I can't stand her character
there is nothing appealing about her..
not physically.. not personality.. not even her hyjinx that she gets into

I didn't mind her in the beginning.. before she became a sanctimonious cow
back before the entire universe seemed to revolve around her petulant and smug ass..
back when she was simply an ace viper pilot with a roguish attitude problem (much like the original Starbuck)
but now it seems like 77% percent of the show revolves around her holier-than-thouness..
if I wanted to watch that.. or have that sort of judgemental flaw in my life, than I would still be talking to my mother..

holy frak!!!
thats it.. thats who she reminds me off.. my mother!!!
its not till now that I just figured out why Starbuck disgusts me so frakking much..
attacking those that do the exact same things that she does ( Cat for taking pills, which she was ordered to take vs. Starbucks rampant alcoholism is one prime example)
her wandering lust filled thighs.. (I'm an open minded guy.. an open marriage isn't my thing, but it doesn't bother me.. but cheating is still cheating and is one of the worst offenses I can think of)
crap.. I wish they had either introduced a different character to be the total schlub of all humanity (yes.. I think even Baltar is a better example of humanity that Starbuck) or would just shoot her in the freaking head

although.. it would have been cool to see her get it on with Admiral Caine.. cause Starbuck would have been turned into the subbie-plaything in that relationship in seconds
sadly.. they killed Caine off much too early

overall though.. I am still excited
just as I can watch Star Wars episodes one, two, and three (while ignoring young anakin, jar-jar, and any 'love' scenes).. I will stifle my reflux when Starbuck appears on the screen


bsg, rambling rant, table 9

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